Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 131

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 132

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 134

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 135

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 136

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 137

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 138

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 139

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 140

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 141

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/setting.php on line 142

Notice: Undefined variable: err in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2750

Notice: Undefined index: sora in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/index.php on line 67

Notice: Undefined variable: menureder in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/index.php on line 101

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined index: l in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2458

Notice: Undefined variable: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/index.php on line 104

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2359

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2359

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2359

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2359

Notice: Undefined index: type in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/function.php on line 2359

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/metjarne/public_html/quran/includes/tpl.php on line 43

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1- سورة الفاتحة2- سورة البقرة3- سورة آل عمران
4- سورة النساء5- سورة المائدة6- سورة الأنعام
7- سورة الأعراف8- سورة الأنفال9- سورة التوبة
10- سورة يونس11- سورة هود12- سورة يوسف
13- سورة الرعد14- سورة إبراهيم15- سورة الحجر
16- سورة النحل17- سورة الإسراء18- سورة الكهف
19- سورة مريم20- سورة طه21- سورة الأنبياء
22- سورة الحج23- سورة المؤمنون24- سورة النور
25- سورة الفرقان26- سورة الشعراء27- سورة النمل
28- سورة القصص29- سورة العنكبوت30- سورة الروم
31- سورة لقمان32- سورة السجدة33- سورة الأحزاب
34- سورة سبأ35- سورة فاطر36- سورة يس
37- سورة الصافات38- سورة ص39- سورة الزمر
40- سورة غافر41- سورة فصلت42- سورة الشورى
43- سورة الزخرف44- سورة الدخان45- سورة الجاثية
46- سورة الأحقاف47- سورة محمد48- سورة الفتح
49- سورة الحجرات50- سورة ق51- سورة الذاريات
52- سورة الطور53- سورة النجم54- سورة القمر
55- سورة الرحمن56- سورة الواقعة57- سورة الحديد
58- سورة المجادلة59- سورة الحشر60- سورة الممتحنة
61- سورة الصف62- سورة الجمعة63- سورة المنافقون
64- سورة التغابن65- سورة الطلاق66- سورة التحريم
67- سورة الملك68- سورة القلم69- سورة الحاقة
70- سورة المعارج71- سورة نوح72- سورة الجن
73- سورة المزمل74- سورة المدثر75- سورة القيامة
76- سورة الإنسان77- سورة المرسلات78- سورة النبأ
79- سورة النازعات80- سورة عبس81- سورة التكوير
82- سورة الانفطار83- سورة المطففين84- سورة الانشقاق
85- سورة البروج86- سورة الطارق87- سورة الأعلى
88- سورة الغاشية89- سورة الفجر90- سورة البلد
91- سورة الشمس92- سورة الليل93- سورة الضحى
94- سورة الشرح95- سورة التين96- سورة العلق
97- سورة القدر98- سورة البينة99- سورة الزلزلة
100- سورة العاديات101- سورة القارعة102- سورة التكاثر
103- سورة العصر104- سورة الهمزة105- سورة الفيل
106- سورة قريش107- سورة الماعون108- سورة الكوثر
109- سورة الكافرون110- سورة النصر111- سورة المسد
112- سورة الإخلاص113- سورة الفلق114- سورة الناس

كتب عشوائيه

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    المصدر :

    التحميل :

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    الناشر : المكتب التعاوني للدعوة وتوعية الجاليات بالربوة

    المصدر :

    التحميل :

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    المؤلف : عبد الرحمن بن ناصر السعدي

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  • مطوية الدعاء من الكتاب والسنةمطوية الدعاء من الكتاب والسنة: فهذه أدعية جامعة نافعة، اختصرها المؤلف - حفظه الله - من كتابه: «الدعاء من الكتاب والسنة».

    المؤلف : سعيد بن علي بن وهف القحطاني

    الناشر : المكتب التعاوني للدعوة وتوعية الجاليات بالربوة

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كتب عشوائيه


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